A simple Text Panel SmartShape showing its edit handles You can edit the text as normal including setting text styles, fonts, links to web or email addresses. However, you can select the Ctrl key and the rotate handle which will disable the auto snap and make it easier to find the exact angle required. This may make it difficult to set it to, for example, 1 degree. When rotating the panel it will ‘snap’ to positions of 0, 45, 90 degrees, etc. Lastly, drag the top right handle to rotate the panel. Drag diagonally inward or outward on the handle in the top right of the text to adjust the margin between the text and the edge of the panel. Drag inward on the yellow handle in the top left to curve the corners. If you hold down the Ctrl key and drag the bottom right handle, it will enable you to change the aspect ratio of the rectangle. The handle in the bottom right will resize the complete rectangle. stretch both left and right sides equally. If you hold down the shift key and drag on the handle on the right side it will do a symmetrical resize, ie. The handles on the 4 sides enable you to resize the sides independently. This will insert a default text panel that uses Theme Color 1, but if your document uses a named color, you’ll be asked whether you want the item to be recolored to match your Theme Colors.

To quickly insert a simple Text Panel SmartShape, select the menu option Insert > Shape > Text Panel or use the short-cut of Shift + C (not whilst you have the text cursor in some text). There are many styles of Text panel but we’ll start with a simple one. We’ve also made a recent improvement that you can now vertically center text in the panel. What’s more you can directly adjust the panel width and height, rounded corners and the padding (margin) space between the text and outer rectangle. The background rectangle automatically expands or contracts as you edit the text. The Xara Text Panel SmartShape solves this problem - it makes creating a wide variety of text panels, such as the above examples, really easy. But the problem with that is that each time you change the text, you would need to adjust the background rectangle. It’s always been pretty easy to create this using the normal tools - just draw a rectangle and place a text column or text frame on top of the rectangle, and then group them. Example Text panels, Photo text panel and Speech bubbles Text Panels One of the most common design elements in many document types is to have a block of text placed on top of a colored rectangle.
To try it, download the trial version of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer or Xara Web Designer or Designer Pro X. This tutorial, Part 2 of 3 on SmartShapes, covers the SmartShapes that incorporate text and photos, ie text panels, photo text panels and speech bubbles. The other innovative aspect of SmartShapes is that most are available and work exactly the same way in the Xara web-based Xara Online Designer. There are no special tools - you just click on the shape and a set of control handles appear that can be dragged to adjust and customize the shape.

What’s cool about SmartShapes is that the editing functions are built into the shape. Choose from Arrows, Text panels, Photo text panels, Speech Bubbles, Spirals, charts, Timelines and many other shapes. Although SmartShapes include a range of everyday shapes that you can drop into your documents and websites, the system also supports objects that are much more complex than simple shapes. But they are more than simple static shapes - we call them SmartShapes. I don't understand why the border color/width doesn't appear automatically on the mouse click.Xara provides a range of ready-made customizable shapes that you can add to your document or web page. boolean isSelected is originally set to false.
I am not sure how to fix this? I tried adding a boolean to fix being able to select multiple shapes, but it isn't working.

Except, I am able to select multiple shapes and the border that shows its selected does not appear around the shape until after I change radio buttons to do something else. What is the basic concept behind implementing this? When I click on the shape to select it, I want to somehow add a border around it to show that it is selected. I want to add a button that, after clicked, allows me to select a shape and then drag/translate it to a different spot on the canvas.

I am creating a program where I can draw different shapes onto a drawing canvas.